BMIIWM - Fee Structure (Common for all courses)

4 classes in a month (1 class per week) - US$110
8 classes in a month (2 classes per week) - US$210

Class duration 60 minutes - flexible resheduling - audio / video recording / MIDI files will be provided as applicable - after the class support available

4 classes in a month (1 class per week) - IRs..6500/-
8 classes in a month (2 classes per week) - IRs.12000/-

Class duration 60 minutes - flexible resheduling - audio / video recording / MIDI files will be provided as applicable - after the class support available

Please contact us.

Note :
All classes will be conducted on a one-on-one basis.
There is no Registration Fee. Regular fees should be remitted in advance every month.
10% discount in fees for advance payments for 6 months and above.
On completion of every cycle, we will send the 'Class Summary', after which students can remit fees for the next cycle of classes.
Classes can be rescheduled with prior intimation 24 hours before the class time.